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Prof. Evandro Marsola de Moraes, Ph.D

My scientific interest is the investigation of the evolutionary processes and historical events involved with the geographic distribution and the diversification of species in South America.


I advise students through the Graduate Program on Evolutionary Genetics and Molecular Biology of the Federal University of Sao Carlos (


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Prof. Fernando de Faria Franco, Ph.D

I am interested in the process involved in origin and maintenance of neotropical diversity. Nowadays, the research projects which I have developing are related to Population Genetics, Molecular Phylogeny and Phylogeography.


I advise students through the Graduate Program on Comparative Biology of the University of São Paulo (USP) (


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Monique Romero Brito, Ms.

I'm interested in understanding the role of the expansion of aridity as a mechanism of diversification of taxa in South America. Therefore, I'm working with systematics, biogeography, and evolution of cacti endemic from South America, using genomic, morphological and environmental dataset allied with recent bioinformatic approaches. 



Milena Cardoso Telhe

My main scientific interest is the investigation of the evolutionary processes that promoted the species diversification in the Neotropical region. I am a masters student in Genetic and Evolution Department at Federal University of São Carlos, advised by prof. Dr. Evandro Marsola de Moraes. I am working on species delimitation, phylogeny and biogeography in different genera of Cactaceae.



Luana Maria Deoclécio da Silva

Currently, I am a graduate student in the Postgraduate Program in Evolutionary Genetics and Molecular Biology of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). The main focus of my research is to investigate, through a comparative and predictive phylogeographic approach, the predictive variables of phylogeographic breaks in the Cerrado rate. I develop my work to better understand the processes that outlined the biogeographic patterns of the Cerrado and, as a consequence, collaborate with information that will help future conservation projects in the biome.




Isis Minhós Yano

Undergraduate student studying the evolution of morphologic traits in the genus Cereus Mill.



Pesquisadores Graduação

João Victor Oliveira

Undergraduate student studying the dispersion of genus Cereus Mill. from niche modeling.




Danilo Trabuco do Amaral, Ph.D

I'm interested to applied the bioinformatics tools and molecular biology strategies to identify patterns and evolutive processes involved to cactus and fireflies diversification in Neotropical region.


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